Roy Haynes (1925-2024)

Roy died on November 12th. He was 99 years old ! This is one of my Jazz Hot‘s covers (# 533, September 1996) with a portrait of him (also published in my book, An ABC for Jazz Lovers) I took during Jazz à Vienne festival (France) in 1988. At that time, Roy played with Gary Peacock (bass) and Michel Petrucciani (piano). In this issue of the review, dedicated to the drummers, is also a long interview (four pages) with Roy by Leslie Gourse and some other interviews with André Ceccarelli and Chico Hamilton with a few other portraits of mine. So long, Roy…

Jazz Hot 533, septembre 1996, Roy Haynes, Jazz à Vienne 1988, photo Pascal Kober


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2 réponses à Roy Haynes (1925-2024)

  1. HOF bernard dit :

    Salut l’artiste…

    Merci pour ton denier post, d’autant qu’il cite Dédé Ceccarelli, notre batteur niçois que j’ai connu du temps des… Chats Sauvages !

  2. Pascal Kober dit :

    Ah oui, ça ne nous rajeunit pas ;-)

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